A. H. Fisher Diamonds – A 40-year (and counting), Red Bank Legacy
RED BANK, NJ - When Alan Fisher took a part-time job at a jewelry store in Red Bank in 1967 as a high school freshman, he could never have dreamed of where that would take him and his family or the legacy he was creating in his beloved hometown. Today, as Fisher...
40th Anniversary Sale
To celebrate our 40th anniversary we will give you a $250 towards a purchase of $1,00 or more. We will be open everyday through Christmas eve. Bring us your unwanted gold and jewelry we'll pay cash or you can receive an additional 10% on a purchase that day.
Winter Sale 2023
We will also purchase any gold and diamonds you no longer wish to own and pay you immediate cash. You may also apply the cash toward new purchases plus a 10% bonus. Lab grown and natural diamond ear studs featuredin all sizes and prices, starting at $500. 0%...
2022 Annual Holiday Sale
Special Hours Wed - Friday 10AM-7PMSaturday, December 24, 10 AM-2PM $250 GIFT FOR YOU Use your $250 gift like cash on new merchandise purchases of $1,000 or more or $150 value for items between $500 and $999 Valid December 1 - February 14, 2023 Not to be combined with...
A.H. Fisher Diamonds’ 35th Anniversary Brings Nostalgic Look Back At Owner’s Journey in His Beloved Red Bank
One of Alan Fisher’s first jobs as a kid in Red Bank was to climb the clock tower overlooking Red Bank’s downtown to wind the clock weekly. He and that tower have a great deal in common – they have both remained fixtures in Red Bank for six decades and have overseen...
2017 Holiday Sale and Extended Hours
HOLIDAY SALE STOREWIDE SAVINGS Extended Store Hours Sunday, December 17: 12 noon - 3 PM Monday, December 18 - Friday, December 23: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sunday, December: 24, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Or by appointment
It’s Time For Us To Add Watches!
We promised full service and we meant it. We've added a line of high-quality watches to our product lines because we heard it was important to you. And, we've selected Baume and Mercier, a two-centuries-old watch maker because of its reputation...
Twelve Months, But 17 Birthstones? What’s Up With That?
In ancient times, birthstones were each thought to come with unique powers including good luck, health and prosperity. There was one gemstone corresponding to each month of the year. Today, birthstones are still highly prized as gifts with significant meaning, since...
Donating To A Good Cause Is Valuable Part of Doing Business
Every piece of jewelry we sell has a special meaning to the buyer. When we as a business specializing in fine jewelry can meld our products with helping our community, that jewelry has a special meaning to us. So when we had the opportunity to help the Community YMCA...
Join Us In Helping Local Nonprofits Continue Their Great Work
On November 5, we will be enjoying an outstanding event that will bring much-needed resources to some very worthwhile local charities. Called the Curchin Open Miniature Golf Tournament, this is the 12th year the Curchin Group, LLC, a mid-sized, full-service accounting...